EGUS (Equine Gastric Ulcer Syndrome) is a common condition in horses where sores develop in the stomach lining due to excess acid. If you're looking for a dietary approach to help support your horse's health, look no further than Fibre-Beet, a super-fibre conditioning feed specifically formulated for horses prone to gastric ulcers when fed as part of a balanced diet.

Why Fibre-Beet is ideal for horses with EGUS
High-Fibre, Low-Acid: Fibre-Beet's strength lies in its high fibre content. Fibre acts as a buffer, absorbing excess stomach acid, a key factor in preventing ulcers.
Alkaline Properties: Fibre-Beet's alkaline properties help maintain a healthy gut environment, further maintaining stomach comfort for horses with EGUS.
Balanced Nutrients: Fibre-Beet combines Speedi-Beet, a source of high levels of easily digested soluble fibre for sustained energy release, with alfalfa for essential amino acids and oat fibre for a complete nutrient profile.
Fibre-Beet: More than just food for horses with EGUS
While Fibre-Beet is a super high fibre feed, it's important to remember that fibre and forage are one part of a comprehensive approach to managing EGUS. Here are some additional tips for supporting your horse's health:
Diet: Prioritise a high-fibre diet rich in forage (grass, hay, haylage) and limit concentrates.
Management: Provide ample turnout time and ad-lib forage whenever possible.
Regular Feeding: Divide concentrate feeds into smaller meals and offer forage between feedings.
Stress Management: Minimise stress factors like travel and intense exercise.
Always consult your vet if you are concerned about your horse's health.
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