There has been a lot going on for me this month, a mixture of a-level mock exams, getting increasingly more confident with Evita, University offers, and a very exciting new arrival has definitely contributed to the mishmash of emotions March has held.

I am really looking forward to using my new-found confidence on Evita out and about, so I will be talking about how I am going to put our training into practise when I am not in the ‘safety’ of the arena at home. So firstly, I am going to set myself small and achievable goals along the lines of; when I am going for a lesson somewhere else, I HAVE to walk, trot, canter each way before I can get off – similar to the mindset I have at home but to me because I am not in an arena I am familiar with it will be daunting and yes, l will admit that for the first couple outings I will be feeling very nervous.

Nerves are normal and that is something that I am really starting to learn about, it’s not feeling nervous that is the problem – it’s how you deal with the nerves and channel that nervous energy that is the main thing. One thing I have started to do is when that nervous feeling starts to appear, I just tell myself that I am not nervous I am excited, and I have really started to notice that the more I ‘trick’ my head into thinking that the feeling is excitement it is starting to come true, and my riding is suddenly starting to improve by miles because the nerves just aren’t there!

Although I am incredibly excited to get between those white boards again, while I am getting my confidence up, I will be doing lessons and arena hires before I step back into the competitive scene. There is no point in rushing things, I have come so far in the last couple months I don’t want to risk something knocking me back just because I am impatient!

If you have been following me on Instagram, you may have seen that a very exciting new member has joined the team, so I thought I would introduce her. Missy, also known as Larkshill Mischievous, is a 4 year old, 15hh (she should make about 15.2hh) Dutch warmblood.
She is currently only 5 weeks backed so is incredibly green, but I am beyond excited for the adventure that I am about to embark on with her. She is my first project so obviously it will not a straightforward journey and mistakes will be made but that is all part of learning. I think that this is the start of a very exciting future.
I once told myself I would never get a chestnut mare and here I am now with two! I still have to keep pinching myself, I can’t believe that such a talented little horse is part of the team. Initially, I will start things slow with her, she is only 4 so really there is no point in rushing anything and potentially damaging both of our confidences. However, long term, we all have high hopes for her.

I hope everyone has had a lovely March and I’ll speak to you next month!