Hi everyone, hope you’re all good and looking forward to the start of the season, only a week and a half to go!! The boys are feeling very well at the moment and definitely ready to be out and about having fun.

So, March has been a bit of a whirlwind really, it feels like it has flown by. We have been very busy getting ready for the season, mostly working on Sid’s dressage and Oscar’s show jumping. We are so lucky that my dressage trainer is just a 10-minute hack from our yard at home, so we have been able to continue training with her which has been great. With Sid we have been focusing on maintaining the energy in the trot without rushing, and with Oscar having a more consistent contact through the bridle and encouraging more hindquarter engagement, to hopefully improve our scores this season!

We did some online dressage on Sid for the British Riding Club winter qualifiers in February, and we got the results back last week. Sidney, being the legend that he is, came 1st in the Novice 34 with 75%, 1st in the Elementary 42 with 73.91% and the team took the win too, qualifying for the championships! So pleased with him and our improvements together, hopefully we can keep it up for this season.

I was also lucky to be able to have a jumping lesson on Sid with my trainer in the middle of March. It was so good to be back jumping a full round of jumps again to practice before we go eventing. We worked on some technical lines, incorporating skinnies, and making sure I keep my body upright so he can lift up through his shoulders. (Be sure to check out the edit on my Instagram if you want to see more @dannifisher.eventing).

Oscar’s jumping has improved so much, he is finally managing to sit back on his hocks and push off his hindquarters rather than just stepping over the jumps! I think his injury has actually benefited him because the time off gave him some time to grow (definitely not mentally, he is still very much a toddler!) and the rehab has made him so much stronger.
It has taken me a little while to see the positive in his injury, because when it happened, I honestly thought he wasn’t going to stand a chance. But so much good has come out of it; I have had the privilege of eventing Sid, who we all know is truly incredible and he has given me so much experience and improved my riding so much, and I will be forever grateful to my mum for letting me event him last season and this season.
Plus, Oscar has ended up so much stronger and his jumping is miles better (it used to be very inconsistent with poles flying left right and centre!) and he is now basculing and learning he has 4 legs! It’s definitely taught me to try and see the positive in things, because it doesn’t always go right, especially with horses, and to set small achievable goals and not to put too much pressure on myself (I’m definitely still working on that one!)

After what seems like years, we are finally going cross country training next week on Sid with BE South East U18’s which is very exciting as we haven’t gone XC since Bovington BE in October! (I ought to wear sticky breeches I think!). So, that will be great prep for Munstead and South of England BE’s. Also, Oscar has his first lot of training booked in April, which will be his first-time cross country since December 2019!! And his first event booked since September 2019, which is all very exciting and perhaps some calming cookies may be required!

Hope you guys liked this months blog, more of a little catch up than anything. Make sure to keep an eye out on my Instagram and YouTube for updates and events vlogs! Thanks for reading guys and can’t wait to be out on our unicorns again soon!
Instagram: @dannifisher.eventing
FB: Danni Fisher
YouTube: Danni Fisher Eventing (Going to start vlogging soon and providing you all with more updates!!)
