Hi everyone, July has been a very busy and exciting month! To start off, at the very beginning of the month I found out that Sid and I had been selected to represent Team South-East at the International Youth Championships at Bishop Burton for the 100 team. This had honestly been my dream since I can remember, and to actually be selected was so surreal, I think my mum and I were both crying with happiness and slight disbelief!!
The next 3 weeks consisted mainly of pre-champs training. A huge thank you to the team at HorseQuest for our funding as it made it all possible. We had team training at Felbridge on the 13th doing SJ and Dressage practice, Sid went absolutely beautifully in the boiling heat which made us feel a bit more prepared for Champs at the end of the month.

Anyway, we started dressage Sunday afternoon, and he was warming up really nicely, and felt very energetic. He went in to the arena, had a good spook at the judges box, then went down the centre line and produced a lovely test for 28.8! I was so pleased with this as it feels like I’m managing to really understand how to ride him properly and get him to step out a bit more. However, we then had Show Jumping.
After lots and lots of shopping (my bank account will never recover!!) and a few more training sessions with Leslie and Justin, U18 Champs finally came around. I pretty much spent the whole Monday before we left packing, tack cleaning and bathing Sid…he has never been so white! Then we left Tuesday 27th in the morning, after a few technical difficulties with the car and trailer we finally left. (Huge thank you to the mechanic that dad got out to fix the car!) 6 ½ hours later we arrived at Bishop Burton! Sid was amazing travelling all that way and was good as gold when we arrived, having to go to vet check straight away and then to the stables.

Wednesday morning I took Sid for a ride around the hacking track provided…he definitely wasn’t tired from his journey the day before!! Then we plaited, cleaned and prepared for our first trot-up late Wednesday morning! Thankfully we passed the first inspection, so the rest of Wednesday we finished setting everything up in camp, had our rider briefing and opening ceremony in the evening. Thursday was dressage day 1.
Luckily Sid and I had our dressage on the Thursday which was much more suiting to him. However, we did have gale force winds which was quite exciting! Sid warmed up really well for our test but found the cheering from the crowds absolutely terrifying, resulting in bronching every time they clapped! We went into the arena, with a very excitable Sidney, it did feel like I was riding an unexploded bomb! However, he produced a very smart, energetic test for a nice 31.5 in a seriously tight section.

Friday, I took Sid for a little canter and leg stretch around the hacking track in the absolute pouring rain! Then I walked the XC course twice more with mum and Justin. Saturday was an early morning to feed Sid ready for our XC round. We had an amazing round going clear inside the time round a seriously hilly track!
Sidney was just incredible giving me the best ride and trying his heart out all the way round. The rest of the day we looked after Sid, I did wash downs for the 90 team, then we fence spotted for the 2* teams in the afternoon. We also had an unofficial trot up with Justin in the evening to double check all the horses were sound and happy before trot up in the morning.

Sunday was a very early start! With my trot up being around 7:45 we had to take Sid out for a leg stretch and finish getting him clean and ready. Luckily, we passed the second trot-up!! Then we watched a few SJ rounds before I needed to get Sid warmed up. He jumped absolutely beautifully, the best he has ever jumped, but just and one really unfortunate pole where we were jumping into the crowd and he didn’t quite lock on properly.
Unfortunately this pushed us out of 11th, but we still came a respectable 26th out 80 starters which I am absolutely over the moon with because Sid as simply amazing all week and tried his heart out for me. A huge thank you to everyone who made it possible and for an amazing week. (Head over to my Instagram to see some videos of the week and there will be lots of photos as soon as the arrive!!)

Oscar thought he was living his best life as he got the whole week off! However, he is now back in work and continuing his second lot of rehabs. The physio is very happy with him which is great! So, if all goes to plan, he should get to start jumping again in a week which is very exciting. Fingers crossed he will event next season!!

Also, a big thank you to HorseQuest for supplying the team with a lovely pair of socks each!
Instagram: @dannifisher.eventing
FB: Danni Fisher
YouTube: Danni Fisher Eventing